ホーム>Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

8月号:Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Volume 20 August 2018


Comparison of three blood transfusion guidelines applied to 31 feline donors to minimise the risk of transfusion-transmissible infections
Maria Luisa Marenzoni, Stefania Lauzi, Arianna Miglio, Mauro Coletti, Andrea Arbia, Saverio Paltrinieri, Maria Teresa Antognoni
MRI and clinical characteristics of suspected cerebrovascular accident in nine cats
Danielle E Whittaker, Randi Drees, Elsa Beltran
猫11頭における松の行列毛虫Thaumetopoea pityocampaの虫刺症:後ろ向き研究
Pine processionary caterpillar Thaumetopoea pityocampa envenomation in 11 cats: a retrospective study
Celine Pouzot-Nevoret, Maxime Cambournac, Amandine Viole, Isabelle Goy-Thollot, Gilles Bourdoiseau, Anthony Barthelemy
※訳注: 松の行列毛虫、学名はThaumetopoea pityocampa、和名: マツノギョウレツケムシ。成虫はマツノギョウレツケムシガ。蛾の幼虫、毛虫。
Naturally occurring antibodies in cats against dog erythrocyte antigens and vice versa
Vito Priolo, Marisa Masucci, Eva Spada, Daniela Proverbio, Maria Grazia Pennisi
Post-chemotherapy perforation in cats with discrete intermediate- or large-cell gastrointestinal lymphoma
Zachary Crouse, Brenda Phillips, Andi Flory, Jennifer Mahoney, Keith Richter, Linda Kidd
Evaluation of analgesic effect and absorption of buprenorphine after buccal administration in cats with oral disease
Thaleia-Rengina Stathopoulou, Maria Kouki, Bruno H Pypendop, Atholl Johnston, Serafeim Papadimitriou, Ludovic Pelligand
Acceptance of home blood glucose monitoring by owners of recently diagnosed diabetic cats and impact on quality of life changes in cat and owner
Katarina Hazuchova, Ruth Gostelow, Christopher Scudder, Yaiza Forcada, David B Church, Stijn JM Niessen
Preliminary pharmacokinetics of intravenous and subcutaneous dolasetron and pharmacodynamics of subcutaneous dolasetron in healthy cats
Andrea K Herndon, Jessica M Quimby, Liberty G Sieberg, Leigh Davis, Amber L Caress, Sabina Ligas, Ryan J Hansen, Luke A Wittenburg, Danial L Gustafson
獣医師が使用するMontreal Instrument for Cat Arthritisの改良: 実験猫における自然発生性の骨関節炎の検出
Refinement of the Montreal Instrument for Cat Arthritis Testing, for Use by Veterinarians: detection of naturally occurring osteoarthritis in laboratory cats
Mary P Klinck, Beatriz P Monteiro, Bertrand Lussier, Martin Guillot, Maxim Moreau, Colombe Otis, Paulo VM Steagall, Diane Frank, Johanne Martel-Pelletier, Jean-Pierre Pelletier, Jerome RE del Castillo, Eric Troncy
※訳注: Montreal Instrument for Cat Arthritis Testing-Veterinarian (MI-CAT(V))とは、猫の骨関節炎を診断するための基準。全文献が無料で読めますので、PMID:26633524を参照のこと。
Analgesic effects of gabapentin and buprenorphine in cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy using two pain-scoring systems: a randomized clinical trial
Paulo V Steagall, Javier Benito, Beatriz P Monteiro, Graeme M Doodnaught, Guy Beauchamp, Marina C Evangelista
Effect of body position on intraocular pressure in clinically normal cats
Masoud Selk Ghaffari, Ahoora Arman Gherekhloo
Morphological variation of the caudal fossa of domestic cat skulls assessed with CT and geometric morphometrics analysis
Caroline R Gordon, Thomas W Marchant, Joanna Lodzinska, Jeffrey J Schoenebeck, Tobias Schwarz
パイロットスタディ: 炎症性腸疾患および低グレード消化管リンパ腫がある猫における十二指腸のMDR1とCOX2遺伝子発現
Pilot study: duodenal MDR1 and COX2 gene expression in cats with inflammatory bowel disease and low-grade alimentary lymphoma
Jorge Castro-Lopez, Mariana Teles, Camino Fierro, Karin Allenspach, Marta Planellas, Josep Pastor
Pleural lymphocyte-rich transudates in cats
Monica Probo, Valentina Valenti, Luigi Venco, Saverio Paltrinieri, Emme Lavergne, Catherine Trumel, Walter Bertazzolo
イタリアの猫の皮膚病変における複数のFelis catus乳頭腫ウイルス(1,2,3,4)の定量的PCRを用いた研究
A study of multiple Felis catus papillomavirus types (1, 2, 3, 4) in cat skin lesions in Italy by quantitative PCR
Maurizio Mazzei, Mario Forzan, Vito Carlucci, Antonio G Anfossi, Alberto Alberti, Francesco Albanese, Diana Binanti, Francesca Millanta, Lisa Baroncini, Andrea Pirone, Francesca Abramo
赤外線サーモグラフィー: 猫の大動脈血栓塞栓症を迅速かつ正確に検出する方法
Infrared thermography: a rapid and accurate technique to detect feline aortic thromboembolism
Celine Pouzot-Nevoret, Anthony Barthelemy, Isabelle Goy-Thollot, Emmanuel Boselli, Maxime Cambournac, Julien Guillaumin, Jeanne-Marie Bonnet-Garin, Bernard Allaouchiche
Effectiveness of GonaCon as an immunocontraceptive in colony-housed cats
Amy Fischer, Valerie AW Benka, Joyce R Briggs, Marc-Antoine Driancourt, Joanne Maki, Darcy SO Mora, Kevin N Morris, Kayla A Myers, Linda Rhodes, Lindsey M Vansandt, George Robert Weedon, Julie Wolf, Julie K Levy
※訳注: GonaConは、ゴナドトロピン放出ホルモンをベースとした雌猫の免疫避妊剤。
Evaluation of an intramuscular butorphanol and alfaxalone protocol for feline blood donation: a pilot study
Marcella C Granfone, Julie M Walker, Lesley J Smith
※訳注: ブトルファノール 0.4 mg/kg imの15分後にアルファキサロン 2 mg/kgの筋注。効かなければ1 mg/kgのアルファキサロンの追注で問題なく輸血用の採血ができた。


2018年7月31日に公開。pp. NP3-NP3
Axonal neuropathy with unusual clinical course in young Snowshoe cats
猫の糖尿病性ケトアシドーシス: 認識と本質的治療
2018年7月31日に公開。pp. NP4-NP4
Diabetic ketoacidosis in the cat: recognition and essential treatment
猫の副腎皮質機能亢進症の特徴: 診断と治療のアップデート
2018年7月31日に公開。pp. NP5-NP5
Peculiarities of feline hyperadrenocorticism: update on diagnosis and treatment